Package 'confinterpret'

Title: Descriptive Interpretations of Confidence Intervals
Description: Produces descriptive interpretations of confidence intervals. Includes (extensible) support for various test types, specified as sets of interpretations dependent on where the lower and upper confidence limits sit. Provides plotting functions for graphical display of interpretations.
Authors: Jim Vine [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jim Vine <[email protected]>
License: AGPL-3
Built: 2025-02-06 02:55:10 UTC

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Descriptive interpretations of confidence intervals.


Produces descriptive interpretations of confidence intervals, depending on the type of test specified by an interpretation_set.


confinterpret(ci, interpretation_set, boundaries, comparison_labels = NULL,
  low_to_high = TRUE)



A single row from a matrix of the type returned by confint(), containing the confidence interval for the parameter estimate. The two columns provide the lower and upper confidence limits.


List-based object that specifies the boundaries between regions that each of the confidence limits can fall in, and the interpretations to be returned in each of the cases.


Vector of numbers specifying the values for each of the boundaries defined in the interpretation_set. Normally provided in low-to-high order, but see the low_to_high parameter for options.


Character vector specifying the labels to be used within the interpretation to describe the comparison. Required if the interpretation_set includes a $placeholders entry. Null otherwise.


Are the boundaries ordered low-to-high (TRUE) or high-to-low (FALSE)? This can be used to reverse the assessment, including in the cases where only one boundary is supplied. See Details.


Helpful wrapper functions are provided for some commonly used types of test:

Superiority tests


Non-inferiority tests


Equivalence tests


The low_to_high parameter can be set to FALSE to facilitate the situation where the boundaries are ordered high-to-low. This enables the same interpretation_set object to be used for both beneficial and harmful outcomes. For an interpretation_set that has been defined as if higher numbers are better (for example, proportion of participants recovering from a particular illness after treatment) then the inferiority interpretations will be listed first and the superiority ones last. To use this with a negative outcome (for example, proportion of participants catching an illness after a preventative measure), provide the boundaries in high-to-low order and use low_to_high = FALSE. This will also work where a single boundary is specified, and will act to 'reverse' the interpretations.

The use of low_to_high only affects the order of the boundaries (and the regions these implicitly define). It does not affect the ordering of the confidence interval: the numerically lower confidence limit should be listed first either way.

Plotting functions are provided to display the results of confinterpret. To plot a single result see plot.interpretation_result. To plot multiple results on one chart see plot_interpretation_result_list.


A list object of class interpretation_result with elements stating the interpretation in different formats, plus the parameters used to generate the interpretation.


# Establish a test confidence interval
ci_test <- matrix(c(-0.1,0.1),
                  nrow = 1, dimnames = list("estimate",
                                            c("2.5 %","97.5 %")))
confinterpret(ci_test, interpretations_superiority, 0,
  comparison_labels = c(comparison_intervention = "Treatment as usual",
                        tested_intervention = "New treatment"))

Equivalence test interpretations of confidence intervals.


Conduct equivalence tests on confidence intervals using a standard set of interpretations. Takes a confidence interval around an effect size measure, for example from the results from a randomised controlled trial comparing the outcome for an intervention group to a control group.


interpret_equivalence(ci, actual_null = 0, eq_margin = 0.1,
  groups = c("Control intervention", "Test intervention"),
  beneficial_outcome = TRUE)



A single row from a matrix of the type returned by confint(), containing the confidence interval for the parameter estimate. The two columns provide the lower and upper confidence limits.


The value that precisely zero difference would have in the parameter being examined. For an absolute measure this will typically be 0. For a relative measure it will typically be 1. This is the starting point that the eq_margin is applied to in order to establish the region for comparison.


Numerical value specifying the equivalence margin to be used.


A character vector of length 2 containing short descriptive names of the groups being compared, such as the names of the interventions being compared if the confidence interval is derived from an outcome effect size measure in a randomised controlled trial. Give the name of the intervention given to the comparison or control group first and the new or tested intervention second.


Is the outcome to be treated as beneficial (i.e., a higher value of the outcome is superior)? For harmful outcomes (where lower numbers are better), set this to FALSE. If, for example, the outcome is measuring something like prevalence of patients recovering from a disease, that is likely to be beneficial; if it is measuring the prevalence of patients falling ill with a disease it is likely to be not beneficial.


Equivalence tests can be specified in analysis plans when the aim is to check whether a new intervention performs the same as an old one. The test is most appropriate where the aim is not to result in a better or worse outcome, but the same as under the previous intervention. One particular use is for testing new versions of medicines, such as generic versions of drugs after the branded version's patent protection has ended. In this situation, if the generic manufacturer is correctly producing the medicine it should result in neither better nor worse outcomes than the branded medicine.

When conducting equivalence tests, an equivalence margin is specified. This is the region around a true null (i.e., no difference) result that is deemed to be within a reasonable range. It is commonly selected to include the range of differences that would be of no practical significance.

You are able to supply descriptive names of the interventions being compared, and these will be inserted into the resultant interpretation. If the comparison / baseline intervention does not have a convenient name (such as "Placebo"), some of these might be suitable:

  • "Business as usual"

  • "Treatment as usual"

  • "No intervention"

(Whilst these may work well as short descriptions for outputting from this function, in your reporting you will still normally want to provide information about what exactly those in a comparison group got.)

This function is provided in the form of a convenience wrapper for confinterpret, using interpretations_equivalence as its interpretation_set.


A list object of class interpretation_result with elements stating the interpretation in different formats, plus the parameters used to generate the interpretation.


# Establish a test confidence interval
ci_test <- matrix(c(-0.1, 0.1),
                  nrow = 1, dimnames = list("estimate",
                                            c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")))
interpret_equivalence(ci_test, 0, 0.2, c("Treatment as usual", "New treatment"))

Non-inferiority test interpretations of confidence intervals.


Conduct non-inferiority tests on confidence intervals using a standard set of interpretations. Takes a confidence interval around an effect size measure, for example from the results from a randomised controlled trial comparing the outcome for an intervention group to a control group.


interpret_noninferiority(ci, actual_null = 0, ni_margin = 0.1,
  groups = c("Control intervention", "Test intervention"),
  beneficial_outcome = TRUE)



A single row from a matrix of the type returned by confint(), containing the confidence interval for the parameter estimate. The two columns provide the lower and upper confidence limits.


The value that precisely zero difference would have in the parameter being examined. For an absolute measure this will typically be 0. For a relative measure it will typically be 1. This is the starting point that the ni_margin is applied to in order to establish the point for comparison.


Numerical value specifying the non-inferiority margin to be used. Provided as a positive number; the value of beneficial_outcome defines whether it is added to or subtracted from the actual_null value to position the boundary. See Details.


A character vector of length 2 containing short descriptive names of the groups being compared, such as the names of the interventions being compared if the confidence interval is derived from an outcome effect size measure in a randomised controlled trial. Give the name of the intervention given to the comparison or control group first and the new or tested intervention second.


Is the outcome to be treated as beneficial (i.e., a higher value of the outcome is superior)? For harmful outcomes (where lower numbers are better), set this to FALSE. If, for example, the outcome is measuring something like prevalence of patients recovering from a disease, that is likely to be beneficial; if it is measuring the prevalence of patients falling ill with a disease it is likely to be not beneficial.


Non-inferiority tests are typically specified in analysis plans where a new intervention is being compared to an existing one, especially if it has some benefit other than the effect being measured. For example, the new intervention might be cheaper than the old one, or have fewer side effects. In these circumstances, the new intervention may not need to prove itself more effective than the old one, but just to be not substantially worse - i.e., non-inferior.

When conducting non-inferiority tests, a non-inferiority margin is defined. This is effectively the leeway of small, practically insignificant differences by which the new intervention is allowed to under-perform the old one and still be considered non-inferior.

The non-inferiority margin is defined as being a small amount on the inferior side of an actual null result. If using beneficial_outcome = TRUE (the default), the non-inferiority margin will extend below actual_null; if beneficial_outcome = FALSE it extends above it.

You are able to supply descriptive names of the interventions being compared, and these will be inserted into the resultant interpretation. If the comparison / baseline intervention does not have a convenient name (such as "Placebo"), some of these might be suitable:

  • "Business as usual"

  • "Treatment as usual"

  • "No intervention"

(Whilst these may work well as short descriptions for outputting from this function, in your reporting you will still normally want to provide information about what exactly those in a comparison group got.)

This function is provided in the form of a convenience wrapper for confinterpret, using interpretations_noninferiority as its interpretation_set.


A list object of class interpretation_result with elements stating the interpretation in different formats, plus the parameters used to generate the interpretation.


# Establish a test confidence interval
ci_test <- matrix(c(-0.05, 0.05),
                  nrow = 1, dimnames = list("estimate",
                                            c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")))
interpret_noninferiority(ci_test, 0, 0.1, c("Treatment as usual",
                                            "New treatment"))

Superiority test interpretations of confidence intervals.


Conduct superiority tests on confidence intervals using a standard set of interpretations. Takes a confidence interval around an effect size measure, for example from the results from a randomised controlled trial comparing the outcome for an intervention group to a control group.


interpret_superiority(ci, null_value = 0, groups = c("Control intervention",
  "Test intervention"), beneficial_outcome = TRUE)



A single row from a matrix of the type returned by confint(), containing the confidence interval for the parameter estimate. The two columns provide the lower and upper confidence limits.


The value that precisely zero difference would have in the parameter being examined. For an absolute measure this will typically be 0. For a relative measure it will typically be 1. For superiority tests this is the point value that the confidence interval is compared at.


A character vector of length 2 containing short descriptive names of the groups being compared, such as the names of the interventions being compared if the confidence interval is derived from an outcome effect size measure in a randomised controlled trial. Give the name of the intervention given to the comparison or control group first and the new or tested intervention second.


Is the outcome to be treated as beneficial (i.e., a higher value of the outcome is superior)? For harmful outcomes (where lower numbers are better), set this to FALSE. If, for example, the outcome is measuring something like prevalence of patients recovering from a disease, that is likely to be beneficial; if it is measuring the prevalence of patients falling ill with a disease it is likely to be not beneficial.


You are able to supply descriptive names of the interventions being compared, and these will be inserted into the resultant interpretation. If the comparison / baseline intervention does not have a convenient name (such as "Placebo"), some of these might be suitable:

  • "Business as usual"

  • "Treatment as usual"

  • "No intervention"

(Whilst these may work well as short descriptions for outputting from this function, in your reporting you will still normally want to provide information about what exactly those in a comparison group got.)

This function is provided in the form of a convenience wrapper for confinterpret, using interpretations_superiority as its interpretation_set.


A list object of class interpretation_result with elements stating the interpretation in different formats, plus the parameters used to generate the interpretation.


# Establish a test confidence interval
ci_test <- matrix(c(-0.1, 0.1),
                  nrow = 1, dimnames = list("estimate",
                                            c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")))
interpret_superiority(ci_test, 0, c("Treatment as usual", "New treatment"))

Interpretation result


A class to define the result that is returned by an interpretation conducted by confinterpret.


interpretation_result(interpretation, ci, interpretation_set,
  interpretation_set_name = deparse(substitute(interpretation_set)),
  boundaries, comparison_labels, low_to_high)



A list object from a an interpretation_set providing the qualitative interpretation.


The confidence interval that was interpreted.


The interpretation_set object that was used to conduct the interpretation.


The name of the interpretation_set that was used for the interpretation.


The boundaries parameter that was used for the interpretation.


Labels that were used to describe the groups that were compared in the interpretation.


Whether the boundaries were provided in low-to-high or high-to-low order.


The parameters are the ones that were used in conducting the interpretation (typically using confinterpret or one of its convenience wrapper functions). See confinterpret for more details on how these parameters were used in conducting the interpretation.


A list object of class interpretation_result with elements stating the interpretation in different formats ($interpretation_short, $interpretation, and $interpretation_md) and $parameters. $parameters is list object detailing the parameters that were used to generate the interpretation, and contains $ci, $interpretation_set, $interpretation_set_name, $boundaries, $comparison_labels and $low_to_high.

Interpretation Sets


A class to define a set of interpretations for confidence intervals, depending on where the lower and upper confidence limits sit. A helper function for producing objects of this class.


interpretation_set(boundary_names, placeholders = NULL, interpretations)



Character vector of boundary names. The length of this vector (i.e., the number of boundary names listed) determines the number of boundaries for use with this interpretation_set, which also determines the number of interpretations that must be provided (see Details).


Vector of named character elements, where each item contains a string that is used within the interpretations as a placeholder, enabling a specific value to be substituted. Can be null.


An ordered list of interpretations, one for each valid combination of confidence limits. See Details for information on the number, format, and expected ordering of interpretations in a given interpretation_set.


The set of boundaries specified in an interpretation_set can be thought of as establishing a number of regions within which the lower and upper confidence limits can sit. There is 1 more region than the number of boundaries, since the set of regions is effectively 'less than boundary 1', 'between boundary 1 : n-1 and boundary 2 : n' and 'above boundary n'.

The valid combinations are those where the upper confidence limit is in a region greater than or equal to the region of the lower confidence limit. This establishes sum(1 : n) valid combinations, where n is the number of regions (i.e., the number of boundaries + 1). An interpretation needs to be provided for each of these combinations.

Interpretations are provided in order. The order is based on first specifying all the cases where the lower confidence limit is in the bottom region, and each of the regions for the upper confidence limit (again, starting from the bottom and increasing to the top); next come all of the cases where the lower confidence limit is in the second-from-bottom region (in this case the valid regions for the upper confidence limit will start at the second-from-bottom and go up to the top region); and so on. So for a 2 region (1 boundary) situation, the interpretations should be provided in the following order:

Order Lower confidence level Upper confidence level
1 Region 1 Region 1
2 Region 1 Region 2
3 Region 2 Region 2

For a 3 region (2 boundary) situation, the interpretations should be provided in this order:

Order Lower confidence level Upper confidence level
1 Region 1 Region 1
2 Region 1 Region 2
3 Region 1 Region 3
4 Region 2 Region 2
5 Region 2 Region 3
6 Region 3 Region 3

Each interpretation should itself be a list object containing named items: interpretation_short, interpretation, and interpretation_md. These contain, respectively, a short interpretation (one or two words), a version of the interpretation that would typically be a little longer (a short phrase), and the interpretation phrase with any markdown that is required. The markdown is typically used to emphasise the key words from the interpretation.

See the vignette on extending confinterpret for a worked example of how these list items are supplied.

Values for placeholders can be specified to enable sections of text in interpretations to be replaced automatically. This can be used, for example, to allow names or descriptions of interventions to be passed to confinterpret, so that these can be returned in the final interpretation rather than a generic description. confinterpret uses gsub with fixed=TRUE to do substitutions for placeholders entries, so values should be selected that will match accordingly (and will not match extra items). Use of a non-alphanumeric character within a placeholder can help to reduce accidental matches.

A plot method is provided for interpretation_set objects. See plot.interpretation_set for details.

A print method is provided for interpretation_set objects.


An object of class interpretation_set (a list object).

Interpretation set for equivalence tests


An interpretation_set object used for conducting equivalence tests. A convenient wrapper function, interpret_equivalence, is provided, making use of this object.




An object of class interpretation_set of length 3.


This interpretation_set object contains placeholders for descriptive names of the comparison intervention and tested intervention. When used with confinterpret these are provided via the comparison_labels parameter as a named character vector of length 2, c(comparison_intervention = "Your control / comparison intervention", tested_intervention = "Your new / tested intervention"). When using the convenience wrapper function, this is handled through the groups parameter.

Interpretation set for non-inferiority tests


An interpretation_set object used for conducting non-inferiority tests. A convenient wrapper function, interpret_noninferiority, is provided, making use of this object.




An object of class interpretation_set of length 3.


This interpretation_set object contains placeholders for descriptive names of the comparison intervention and tested intervention. When used with confinterpret these are provided via the comparison_labels parameter as a named character vector of length 2, c(comparison_intervention = "Your control / comparison intervention", tested_intervention = "Your new / tested intervention"). When using the convenience wrapper function, this is handled through the groups parameter.

Interpretation set for superiority tests


An interpretation_set object used for conducting superiority tests. A convenient wrapper function, interpret_superiority, is provided, making use of this object.




An object of class interpretation_set of length 3.


This interpretation_set object contains placeholders for descriptive names of the comparison intervention and tested intervention. When used with confinterpret these are provided via the comparison_labels parameter as a named character vector of length 2, c(comparison_intervention = "Your control / comparison intervention", tested_intervention = "Your new / tested intervention"). When using the convenience wrapper function, this is handled through the groups parameter.

Label the boundaries on top of the plot.


If plotting values or ranges may want to call this directly last to ensure it is on top, and specify no labels in the canvas plotting call.


label_ontop_boundaries(boundaries, extra_boundaries = NULL)



Named vector of numerical values of where boundaries should be drawn.


Names optional.

Plotting function for collection of interpretation_result objects


Produces a plot presenting a collection of interpretation_result objects on a single chart. If the interpretation_result objects are named then the names will be used for labelling the relevant intervals on the chart.


plot_interpretation_result_list(x, extra_boundaries = NULL,
  estimates = NULL, boundary_values = TRUE, boundary_label_pos = "below",
  interpretation_label_pos = "right", x_axis_pos = "below",
  y_axis_pos = "none", inner_margin = c(-0.1, 0.05, -0.1, 0.05),
  edge_margin = c(0, 0.02, 0, 0.02), edge_type = "gradient",
  interval_type = "norm", y_scale = 0.75, interval_value_labels = TRUE,
  estimate_value_labels = TRUE, plot_estimate_marks = TRUE, ...)



A list of interpretation_result objects, length at least 2. The objects may optionally be named. See Details.


Names optional.


Estimate values that the intervals assessed in each interpretation_result object relate to. If not specified, a default of the central point between the two ends of each interval will be assumed.


A logical value indicating whether the values should be appended to the boundaries' names.


Where to put the boundary labels. Options are c("below", "above", "on top", "none"). If you are planning to plot values on the canvas and want the boundary labels on top then you may want to choose "none" and make a call to label_ontop_boundaries() after plotting values.


Options are c("right", "left", "none")


Location of a numerical x axis. Options are c("none", "below", "above").


Location of a numerical y axis. Default "none" will almost always be right. Options are c("none", "left", "right").


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of inner margin to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted area. This is space designed to be past any plotted objects but before the edging (defined separately via edge_margin). See Details.


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of 'edge margin' to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted width. This is the space designed to be occupied by plot edges (e.g. a gradient fading out). Currently only implemented for left and right; top and bottom values are ignored. See Details.


What style of edge to draw at the sides of the plot. Currently supported options are "gradient" (the default) and "zigzag".


Set the way the interval is presented. Current options are c("norm", "unif") for a normal distribution-based curve and a box, respectively.


How tall the interval plots are to be drawn


Logical value specifying whether interval value labels are to be added.


Logical value specifying whether estimate value labels are to be added.


Whether to plot marks at the x location of the estimates.


Further arguments passed to and from methods.


For a single interpretation_result object a plot() method is provided; see plot.interpretation_result.

To be a valid group of interpretation_result objects, each of the items in x must be a valid interpretation_result, and they must all share some characteristics. Each of the component objects must have been generated using the same interpretation_set, with the same boundaries, and the low_to_high parameter must be the same. This enables them to be meaningfully plotted on the same canvas.


# Set up some intervals to test:
ci_stage_1 <- matrix(c(0.023, 0.131), nrow = 1,
                     dimnames = list("estimate", c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")))
ci_stage_2 <- matrix(c(-0.016, 0.096), nrow = 1,
                     dimnames = list("estimate", c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")))
# Conduct the interpretations:
interp_stage_1 <-  interpret_noninferiority(ci_stage_1, actual_null = 0,
                                           ni_margin = 0.05,
                                           groups = c("Business as usual",
                                                      "New approach"))
interp_stage_2 <-  interpret_noninferiority(ci_stage_2, actual_null = 0,
                                           ni_margin = 0.05,
                                           groups = c("Business as usual",
                                                      "New approach"))

# Assemble the list object:
interp_1_and_2 <- list("Stage 1" = interp_stage_1,
                       "Stage 2" = interp_stage_2)
# Set a nice colour scheme
grDevices::palette(c("#FF671F99", "#F2A90099", "#0085CA99"))
                                boundary_label_pos = "on top")

Plot intervals


Plot intervals on a canvas, typically prepared with plot_region_canvas().


plot_intervals(intervals, estimates = NULL, interval_value_labels = FALSE,
  estimate_value_labels = FALSE, interval_labels_offset,
  estimate_labels_offset, interval_type = "norm",
  plot_estimate_marks = FALSE, estimate_mark_points = c(1.2 *
  graphics::strheight("M"), 0.05, -1.2 * graphics::strheight("M"), -0.05), ...)



The interval(s) to be plotted. Two column matrix.


Estimates for each of the intervals (optional).


Logical value specifying whether interval value labels are to be added.


Logical value specifying whether estimate value labels are to be added.


Amount to offset interval labels by from the centre of the end of the interval's plot. c(x1, x2, y1, y2).


Amount to offset estimate labels by. c(x, y). Normally want the estimate to be x-located at its value, but may want a y-offset to move it above or below the plot shape that represents the interval.


Set the way the interval is presented. Current options are c("norm", "unif") for a normal distribution-based curve and a box, respectively.


Whether to plot marks at the x location of the estimates.


y positions of the ends of the estimate marks as a numeric vector of length 4. Values are, in order: start (relative to centre), end (relative to box top), start (relative to centre), end (relative to box bottom).


Further parameters to be passed on.


The estimate_mark_points parameter can be used to set the length of estimate marks, if they are requested using plot_estimate_marks = TRUE. The default is extending a little above and below the interval plot shape and with a gap in the middle big enough for a line of text (a bit bigger than the height of letter "M"). To leave no gap, set the first and third elements to zero, e.g. estimate_mark_points = c(0, 0.05, 0, -0.05). To have the marks not extend outside of the interval shape, set the second and fourth elements to zero, e.g. estimate_mark_points = c(0, 0, 0, 0).

Plot intervals as curved (normal distribution) areas


Plot intervals as curved (normal distribution) areas


plot_intervals_norm(intervals, estimates = NULL, y_scale = 1,
  interval_value_labels = FALSE, estimate_value_labels = FALSE,
  interval_labels_offset = c(0, 0, 0.15, 0.15),
  estimate_labels_offset = c(0, 0.5 * y_scale), plot_estimate_marks = FALSE,
  estimate_mark_points = c(1.2 * graphics::strheight("M"), 0.05, -1.2 *
  graphics::strheight("M"), -0.05), ...)



The interval(s) to be plotted. Two column matrix.


Estimates for each of the intervals (optional).


How tall the interval plots are to be drawn


Logical value specifying whether interval value labels are to be added.


Logical value specifying whether estimate value labels are to be added.


Amount to offset interval labels by from the centre of the end of the interval's plot. c(x1, x2, y1, y2).


Amount to offset estimate labels by. c(x, y). Normally want the estimate to be x-located at its value, but may want a y-offset to move it above or below the plot shape that represents the interval.


Whether to plot marks at the x location of the estimates.


y positions of the ends of the estimate marks as a numeric vector of length 4. Values are, in order: start (relative to centre), end (relative to box top), start (relative to centre), end (relative to box bottom).


Further parameters to be passed on.

Plot intervals as uniform (box) areas


The current implementation of this function uses boxplot to draw its boxes.


plot_intervals_unif(intervals, estimates = NULL,
  interval_value_labels = FALSE, estimate_value_labels = FALSE,
  interval_labels_offset = c(0, 0, box_halfheight + 0.1, box_halfheight +
  0.1), estimate_labels_offset = c(0, box_halfheight + 0.1),
  plot_estimate_marks = FALSE, estimate_mark_points = c(1.2 *
  graphics::strheight("M"), 0.05, -1.2 * graphics::strheight("M"), -0.05), ...)



The interval(s) to be plotted. Two column matrix.


Estimates for each of the intervals (optional).


Logical value specifying whether interval value labels are to be added.


Logical value specifying whether estimate value labels are to be added.


Amount to offset interval labels by from the centre of the end of the interval's plot. c(x1, x2, y1, y2).


Amount to offset estimate labels by. c(x, y). Normally want the estimate to be x-located at its value, but may want a y-offset to move it above or below the plot shape that represents the interval.


Whether to plot marks at the x location of the estimates.


y positions of the ends of the estimate marks as a numeric vector of length 4. Values are, in order: start (relative to centre), end (relative to box top), start (relative to centre), end (relative to box bottom).


Further parameters to be passed on.


The default value for the estimate_labels_offset parameter is defined in terms of a variable, box_halfheight. Because boxplot, the underlying plotting function, draws boxes different heights depending on the number of boxes drawn, this is set within the function. For one box the box_halfheight is 0.2; otherwise it is 0.4.

Plot a canvas backed with regions defined by a set of boundaries


Produces a plot with all the background elements for plotting interpretation_set objects and similar outputs.


plot_region_canvas(boundaries, extra_boundaries = NULL, values,
  interpretations = NULL, boundary_values = FALSE,
  boundary_label_pos = "below", interpretation_label_pos = "right",
  x_axis_pos = "none", y_axis_pos = "none", inner_margin = c(0, 0.05, 0,
  0.05), edge_margin = c(0, 0.02, 0, 0.02), edge_type = "gradient", ...)



Named vector of numerical values of where boundaries should be drawn.


Names optional.


A matrix with either one or two columns containing the values of point estimates (one column) or ranges (two columns). Row names can specify labels.


Character vector of interpretations to be used for labelling interpretations or NULL. If provided, should be the same length as nrow(values).


A logical value indicating whether the values should be appended to the boundaries' names.


Where to put the boundary labels. Options are c("below", "above", "on top", "none"). If you are planning to plot values on the canvas and want the boundary labels on top then you may want to choose "none" and make a call to label_ontop_boundaries() after plotting values.


Options are c("right", "left", "none")


Location of a numerical x axis. Options are c("none", "below", "above").


Location of a numerical y axis. Default "none" will almost always be right. Options are c("none", "left", "right").


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of inner margin to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted area. This is space designed to be past any plotted objects but before the edging (defined separately via edge_margin). See Details.


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of 'edge margin' to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted width. This is the space designed to be occupied by plot edges (e.g. a gradient fading out). Currently only implemented for left and right; top and bottom values are ignored. See Details.


What style of edge to draw at the sides of the plot. Currently supported options are "gradient" (the default) and "zigzag".


Further parameters to be passed on.


If using to plot interpretation_set objects as generic items, the boundaries will typically be at arbitrary values selected for visual clarity. In this case it will typically not make sense to plot a numerical x axis. But boundaries can also be plotted as specific values related to the intended interpretation, and x axis plotting is normally appropriate in this case.

The colours of the background regions are determined by graphics::palette. Normally it will use the first n colours from the palette, where n is the number of regions (which is the number of boundaries + 1). If the left-most boundary is set to be at the edge of the plot (by having no values lower than it and setting inner_margin[2] and edge_margin[2] to 0), then the first colour in palette will be unused. Similarly, if the right-most boundary is set to be the edge of the plot then there will only be as many regions as boundaries, and elements 1:n-1 of the palette will be used. (And similarly, one fewer regions than boundaries will be drawn if both the first and last boundaries are the edges of the plot.)

A pair of extra margins are defined for the purposes of this plot. Both are technically drawn as part of the plotting area (i.e., not in the area of the actual margin, which normally contains axes etc.). Note that the order of edges used in these margins is the same as the graphics::par parameters mar and oma, but the scaling / units are not. These parameters are specified proportional to the area of active plotting, rather than as lines.)

Plot an interpretation_result, as returned by confinterpret()


Produces a diagram that illustrates the confidence interval that was interpreted using confinterpret against a background illustrating the interpretation_set that it was the basis for the interpretation.


## S3 method for class 'interpretation_result'
plot(x, extra_boundaries = NULL,
  estimate = NULL, boundary_values = TRUE, boundary_label_pos = "below",
  interpretation_label_pos = "right", x_axis_pos = "below",
  y_axis_pos = "none", inner_margin = c(-0.1, 0.05, -0.1, 0.05),
  edge_margin = c(0, 0.02, 0, 0.02), edge_type = "gradient",
  interval_type = "norm", interval_value_labels = TRUE,
  estimate_value_labels = TRUE, plot_estimate_marks = TRUE,
  estimate_mark_points = c(0, 0.05, 0, -0.05), ...)



An interpretation_result object, of the type returned by confinterpret.


A vector of numerical values specifying the position for displaying additional boundaries, not specified in the interpretation_set. May optionally be named values; if named, the names will be labelled on the plot axis.


Estimate value that the interval relates to. If not specified, a default of the central point between the two ends of the interval will be assumed.


A logical value indicating whether the values should be appended to the boundaries' names.


Where to put the boundary labels. Options are c("below", "above", "on top", "none"). If you are planning to plot values on the canvas and want the boundary labels on top then you may want to choose "none" and make a call to label_ontop_boundaries() after plotting values.


Options are c("right", "left", "none")


Location of a numerical x axis. Options are c("none", "below", "above").


Location of a numerical y axis. Default "none" will almost always be right. Options are c("none", "left", "right").


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of inner margin to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted area. This is space designed to be past any plotted objects but before the edging (defined separately via edge_margin). See Details.


Numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right), which gives the amount of 'edge margin' to be added, expressed as a proportion of the plotted width. This is the space designed to be occupied by plot edges (e.g. a gradient fading out). Currently only implemented for left and right; top and bottom values are ignored. See Details.


What style of edge to draw at the sides of the plot. Currently supported options are "gradient" (the default) and "zigzag".


Set the way the interval is presented. Current options are c("norm", "unif") for a normal distribution-based curve and a box, respectively.


Logical value specifying whether interval value labels are to be added.


Logical value specifying whether estimate value labels are to be added.


Whether to plot marks at the x location of the estimates.


y positions of the ends of the estimate marks as a numeric vector of length 4. Values are, in order: start (relative to centre), end (relative to box top), start (relative to centre), end (relative to box bottom).


Further arguments passed to and from methods.


Additional boundaries can be displayed using the extra_boundaries parameter. This can be helpful if you want to show a position that is of some practical relevance, but is not defined as a boundary for the purposes of the interpretation_set.

If you wish to plot multiple interpretation_result objects on one chart, see plot_interpretation_result_list.

Plots use the current R Graphics Palette, so you may wish to set that to something attractive before plotting. See ?palette.


# Set a nice colour scheme
grDevices::palette(c("#FF671F99", "#F2A90099", "#0085CA99"))
# Set up a confidence interval to interpret
ci_test <- matrix(c(-0.03, 0.05),
                  nrow = 1,
                  dimnames = list("estimate", c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")))
noninf <- interpret_noninferiority(ci_test, 0, 0.05, c("Treatment as usual",
                                                       "New treatment"))

Plot a diagram of the valid options for an interpretation_set object


Produces a diagram that illustrates the set of pairs of lower and upper confidence limits that are valid for a given interpretation_set object. The output is presented as a set of regions in different colours with boxes either within regions or spanning them to illustrate where the lower and upper confidence limits sit. The options are labelled alphabetically, and presented in the order in which their associated interpretations should be provided in the interpretation_set.


## S3 method for class 'interpretation_set'
plot(x, extra_boundaries = NULL, ...)



An interpretation_set object.


A vector of numerical values specifying the position for displaying additional boundaries, not specified in the interpretation_set. May optionally be named values; if named, the names will be labelled on the plot axis. See Details for information on specifying locations.


Further arguments passed to and from methods.


Additional boundaries can be displayed using the extra_boundaries parameter. This can be helpful if you want to show a position that is of some practical relevance, but is not defined as a boundary for the purposes of the interpretation_set. The boundaries specified by the interpretation_set are plotted with spacing 1 and are centred about 0: for an even number of boundaries the central pair of boundaries will be at -0.5 and +0.5; for an odd number of boundaries the central one will be at 0, and the next ones (if any) will be at -1 and +1, and so on.

Plots use the current R Graphics Palette, so you may wish to set that to something attractive before plotting. See ?palette.


# Set a nice colour scheme
grDevices::palette(c("#FF671F99", "#F2A90099", "#0085CA99"))
# Plot the pre-defined interpretations_equivalence object with an additional
#   central boundary to illustrate where the actual null point is.
plot(interpretations_equivalence, extra_boundaries = c("Actual null" = 0))

Obtain string widths in (approximate) multiple of lines.


Obtain string widths in (approximate) multiple of lines.





A character vector whose width is to be determined.

Validator for interpretation_result objects


Checks some features of the passed object to see whether they are as expected for the class. See interpretation_result documentation for definition of the class.





An object to be checked to see whether it is a valid interpretation_result.


The interpretation_result object that was input, if no errors are found.

Validator for interpretation_set objects


Checks some features of the passed object to see whether they are as expected for the class. See interpretation_set documentation for definition of the class.





An object to be checked to see whether it is a valid interpretation_set.


The interpretation_set object that was input, if no errors are found.

Validates a collection of interpretation_result objects


Checks that a collection of interpretation_result objects has been correctly assembled for use in the plotting function.





A list of interpretation_result objects, length at least 2. The objects may optionally be named. See Details.


To be a valid group of interpretation_result objects, each of the items in x must be a valid interpretation_result, and they must all share some characteristics. Each of the component objects must have been generated using the same interpretation_set, with the same boundaries, and the low_to_high parameter must be the same.